Harness the Power of Your Analytics

Digital Analytics Solutions

At Castlekevin Digital, we believe that your marketing analytics data is an extremely valuable asset. Our digital analytics solutions help you to fully harness the power of your digital data, leading to enhanced website conversion rates and improved marketing campaign performance; allowing you to fully optimise your online customer journey and maximise your marketing ROI.

Castlekevin Digital provides a range of digital analytics services designed to assist you on every step of your analytics journey. These include comprehensive audits of your analytics platform, set-up of marketing tags, custom dashboard creation, reporting and insight generation. We have particular expertise in Google Analytics and Google Analytics 4 and can tailor a customised consulting solution to solve any analytics challenge you may have and can tap into a wide network of external specialists to meet the needs of each analytics project.

Our Analytics audits will give you confidence and trust in your marketing data and web analytics and will enable you to properly track and measure all of your marketing activity and customer touch points across your online customer journeys.

Our reporting and data visualisation solutions will empower your marketing and e-commerce teams through the creation of tangible insights which will enable you to make vital strategic and real-time media optimisation decisions and fully optimise your digital consumer path to purchase.

Get in touch to see how we can help you unlock your digital insights and start increasing  your online performance and conversion rates today.


Digital Analytics Services


Google Analytics Audits

Measurement Strategy & Planning

Google Analytics 4 Migration

Data Visualisation, Reporting & Custom Dashboard Creation

Social Media Analytics

Tag Manager Installation

Digital Customer Journey Mapping

Website CRO Planning

Schedule a Consultation

Call +353 (0)86 3824784, email alan@castlekevindigital.ie or simply fill in the form below to request your free consultation.